Scanlon Condemns Project 2025 Plot To Take Over Government, Criminalize Abortion Nationwide

“The extremists who plotted with Trump to overturn Roe v. Wade were never going to stop there.”

Washington, D.C.
— Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon (PA-05) spoke on the House floor about Project 2025, the extreme MAGA Republican agenda that gives the President unprecedented powers to control the government and our lives and then uses that power to hurt the middle class, end Social Security and Medicare as we know it, and criminalize abortion nationwide.

Watch Rep. Scanlon’s remarks HERE or read them as prepared for delivery below.

“Thank you very much.

“We’re here to discuss Project 2025, the extremist playbook to impose a radical right-wing agenda upon Americans.

“It’s called Project 2025 because it’s designed to be implemented by Trump and his allies if he returns to the White House next year.

“The authors of Project 2025 have even begun recruiting people to apply for jobs to help implement this scheme because - as they detail in Project 2025 - they plan to fire career civil servants and replace them with partisans who swear loyalty to Trump, rather than our country or Constitution. A move, by the way, that the former president tried to implement by executive order before he left office.

“When the authors of Project 2025 decided to publish their radical agenda, they must not have realized that their ideas are so extreme that Americans would reject them as being - frankly - un-American.

“That’s why the former president and many of his allies are now trying to distance themselves from Project 2025. But they can’t, because their fingerprints are all over Project 2025. And nowhere is that clearer than in Project 2025’s plan to ban abortion and restrict women’s reproductive freedom. Because the truth is - the extremists who plotted with Trump to overturn Roe v. Wade were never going to stop there.

“Chapter 14 of Project 2025 outlines their plans. It was written by a member of the Trump administration, and you can read it yourself at pages 449 through 502.

“Project 2025 would impose a nationwide ban on medication abortion by revoking FDA approval of that drug. It would resurrect a 19th century law, the Comstock Act, to ban the mailing of abortion care materials and criminalize their use. Project 2025 would rip away access to basic contraception. It would end emergency room reproductive healthcare for women whose health and lives are at risk. Project 2025 would end IVF as it’s currently practiced. It would require the government to monitor women’s pregnancies and miscarriages.

“Project 2025 is beyond extreme. It’s dangerous.

“Democrats will continue to stand firm and united against this radical agenda, and to stand up for Americans’ reproductive freedom because we trust women to make decisions about their own bodies, not politicians.

“I yield back.”


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