A note from Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon:
Dear friends and neighbors,
As we gear up for the New Year, with a new Congress and administration, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on all that we accomplished in 2024, working together to build a stronger and brighter future. I hope you enjoy this recap of some of the highlights from my office over the past year.
Despite the historic dysfunction of the 118th House of Representatives majority (remember the weeks-long speaker fights!), we were pleased to score major wins for constituents and the region by working with the Biden-Harris administration to bring home many of the benefits we turned into law in recent years. We saw critical upgrades to infrastructure at the airport, shipyard, and port, as well as on our roads, bridges, and rails. We saw programs to reduce prescription drug and energy costs begin to benefit consumers, the expansion of programs to address climate change and environmental injustice, and a dramatic reduction in violent crime as community-based projects received much-needed funding.
Of course, we know there are challenges ahead, with significant conflicts abroad and a new administration and Congress under single-party control. However, my priority always has been and always will be protecting our shared American values and freedoms and advancing real solutions to our community’s most pressing problems rather than fueling chaos and division. That was my promise to you when you first elected me to be your voice in Congress in 2018, and I will continue to deliver on that commitment.
As we mark the passing of former President Jimmy Carter, it seems fitting to also reflect on the words in his farewell address on January 14, 1981. President Carter warned that the American people must remember, “Our common vision of a free and just society is our greatest source of cohesion at home and strength abroad,” and reminded us that “We are all Americans together, and we must not forget that the common good is our common interest and our individual responsibility."
I've seen how our community comes together to help each other when times are tough and innovates to build a better future for our children. I am so grateful to those community leaders, volunteers, and engaged citizens who work daily to promote the common good. Their collective efforts help make our neighborhoods, our communities, and our country a better place and help to form the “more perfect union” our founders envisioned, with a place at the table for everyone – not just the wealthy or well-connected.
I look forward to working with you in 2025.
Mary Gay
Delivering Jobs and Strengthening the Economy
In 2024, we saw new jobs coming to PA-05 as funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Inflation Reduction Act, and Chips & Science Act flowed into our region, funding much-needed repairs to critical transportation infrastructure, development of new technologies, building out EV and broadband infrastructure, and support for workforce training programs. One of my highest priorities is to bring good jobs to our region and make sure that PA-05 residents have the skills to win those jobs.
Celebrating more jobs (and new ships!) at the revitalized Philadelphia shipyard to support our local economy and national defense.
Upgrading Philadelphia International Airport, with funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to modernize airport facilities and improve air travel for passengers.
Updating rail infrastructure by securing $317.1 million to replace 200 rail cars on SEPTA Market-Frankford Line and $407 million to increase rail efficiency and reliability.
Securing long overdue commitment to guarantee over 20 years of production of the CH-47F Block II Chinook, which supports nearly 4,000 jobs at a Ridley Park facility.
Delivering federal funding for the Port of Philadelphia for energy efficient upgrades, increasing operational capacity, and supporting long-term infrastructure.
Supporting workforce development initiative developed with PIDC and the Wistar Institute to train local residents to work in medical research labs.
Securing $11.6 Million in Community Project Funding for 15 Local Projects
For the past three budget cycles (2022-2024), Members of Congress have been able to secure funding for qualified projects in their districts proposed by local governments and nonprofits. These projects range from daycare centers to sewer projects to mental health programs based on needs identified by the community. In 2024, my office was able to secure $11.6 million in community project funding, bringing the total amount of community project funding that our community has received to more than $40 million. The CPF program may be on the chopping block with the new administration and Congress.
Working to Make Our Community Safer
The federal government plays an important role in setting safety standards and funding community programs across the country. I have prioritized support for evidence-based safety measures and securing resources to make our community safer.
Introducing the Pedestrian Protection Act to improve vehicle safety standards as larger and heavier vehicles have resulted in dramatic increases in fatalities and injuries, particularly for pedestrians, bicyclists and children.
Advocating for evidence-based programs and funding to reduce violent crime, including:
Delivering $2.5 million to design safety improvements along Route 291 in Chester and reconnect the city’s residents to employment opportunities.
Bringing Down the Cost of Living
Families in our region and across the nation are struggling to make ends meet. Congress needs to act to help families get ahead rather than just getting by. We can do that by ensuring access to basic nutrition and other necessities, and making sure that corporations don’t have unfair advantages.
Working with the Federal Trade Commission to lower the price of groceries and other consumer goods and services.
Pushing the FTC to address the health care crisis so familiar to PA-05 caused by private equity ownership of hospitals and health care groups, which has resulted in higher prices and fewer health care options.
Working with the administration to fight price gouging by big corporations and reduce costs for hardworking American families.
Urging the U.S. Department of Justice, the Federal Trade Commission, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to increase transparency of healthcare options for consumers, health providers, state and local agencies, and the general public.
Demanding House GOP leadership remove poison pills and pass a bipartisan farm bill that helps women, families, and farmers and protects SNAP benefits.
The passage of the Inflation Reduction Act means that starting January 1, 2025, folks on Medicare will pay no more than $2,000/year for prescription drugs.
Hosting a series of information sessions to help constituents access tax credits and rebates created by the Inflation Reduction Act to reduce energy costs.
Creating a Future Where All Children Can Thrive
For decades, my work as a child advocate has focused on meeting the basic needs of our children, and ensuring that they have access to opportunities that will help them succeed in life. That work continues in Congress with work to secure the legal rights of children, and the support they need.
Advocating for the expansion of quality youth mentoring programs by:
Chairing the Congressional Youth Mentoring Caucus and introducing a bipartisan resolution to to recognize the impact of youth mentoring and its need for expansion;
Providing opportunities for PA-05 youth to excel in the arts, technology, and public service with the Congressional Art Competition, Congressional App Challenge, and Congressional Youth Cabinet;
Supporting grants for innovative local youth local youth mentoring programs, including Students Run Philly Style, to advance youth health, resilience, and mental well-being.
Ensuring kinship caregivers have access to social services by introducing the Help Grandfamilies Prevent Child Abuse Act.
Expanding access to legal representation for families and children in the child welfare system by introducing the Ensuring Legal Representation for Child Welfare Act, which became law as part of the child welfare reauthorization package in December 2024.
Defending Our Fundamental Freedoms
One of the highest callings of a member of Congress is to defend our Constitution, the rule of law, and our fundamental freedoms. That calling shapes my work on the House Judiciary and Rules Committees, just as it defined my career as a public interest lawyer. My advocacy for civil rights and fundamental freedoms has not changed by running for Congress; I am just pursuing them in a different forum.
Defending the right to vote and making American democracy more accessible by:
Opposing legislation to facilitate banning books and restricting public school curriculum, including hosting a discussion about the rise in book banning with New York Times bestselling author Laurie Halse Anderson.
Improving awareness of guardianship alternatives for health care workers, educators, family members and court workers and court-related personnel through education programs by
Introducing the Alternatives to Guardianship Education Act to improve awareness of guardianship alternatives for health care workers, educators, family members and court workers and court-related personnel.
Pushing back on efforts to enable discrimination against marginalized communities and defund much needed diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives in the military and elsewhere
Fighting for women’s rights to reproductive freedom by:
Successfully urging the President to exercise clemency power to address the impact of mass incarceration.
Prioritizing our national security and defending democracy by advancing critical funding for Ukraine and other allies.
Serving Constituents
While news coverage of Congress often focuses on passing bills in DC, an equally important part of my job is helping constituents and local governments and businesses deal with federal agencies, whether that means replacing a passport lost on vacation, securing a grant or small business loan, or dealing with a stolen tax refund. I am so proud of the work that my team does every day to help PA05 residents understand and navigate our federal government.
Helping more than 1,700 constituents with casework involving federal agencies, including:
Helping constituents claim more than $4 million in benefits, tax refunds, and more owed to them.
Endorsing 81 applications by local governments, non-profits, and other PA-05 organizations for federal funding and other grants.
Participating in town halls in Media, Lima, Upper Darby, Wallingford, and Southwest Philadelphia to update constituents on Congressional activities and answer questions.
Hosting information sessions on the Inflation Reduction Act and Medicare Open Enrollment, resource fairs for veterans and military members, and Passport Acceptance Days to deliver federal services and resources directly to constituents.
Supporting direct investments in our communities, including: