Statement from Congresswoman Scanlon on FDR Park Carjacking

Philadelphia, PA , December 23, 2021

Philadelphia, PA – On Wednesday, December 22, Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon (PA-05) was carjacked at gunpoint in South Philadelphia’s FDR Park following a meeting at that location. The Congresswoman and a staff member who was also present were physically unharmed. Today, Congresswoman Scanlon issued the following statement regarding her experience:

“The past 24 hours have been a whirlwind, but I am extremely grateful no one was hurt — including any members of my team or the families who were out enjoying the park on a beautiful winter afternoon. To everyone who has reached out to extend their thoughts and well wishes, I want to say thank you. Your kindness means so much to me, my family, and my entire team. 

“What happened yesterday was traumatic, but I refuse to let it dampen my love for the city of Philadelphia or the gem that is FDR Park. I care deeply for the communities in my district, and I want Philadelphia residents to know that this won’t stop me from showing up for them. I look forward to spending more time in South Philly with my constituents in 2022 and beyond.

“The fact is, this type of crime can happen anywhere and to anyone — yesterday it happened to me. Sadly, we know that over the course of the last year or two, since the onset of the pandemic, we have seen a spike in certain crimes across the country, including gun violence and carjacking. No one should have to experience this kind of lawlessness, and I will continue to push for resources and policies that help to reduce violence in our communities. From common sense gun safety measures and additional resources for community policing and mental health services to measures that reduce poverty and enhance job training and employment opportunities, I remain committed to delivering much-need anti-violence resources for my district.

“I appreciate the swift, professional response from all of the law enforcement partners who have been involved in this matter, including the Philadelphia Police Department, Delaware State Police, and FBI. I cannot thank them enough for all they’ve done."


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