Congresswoman Scanlon Votes to Pass Sweeping Legislation to Lower Health Care, Energy, and Drug Costs for Pennsylvanians and Deliver Historic Climate Action

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon (PA-05) today voted to send historic legislation to the President’s desk. The Inflation Reduction Act will deliver landmark investments to lower Pennsylvania families’ health care costs, create nine million good-paying union jobs, combat the climate crisis, and dramatically reduce the deficit.

“Today, I proudly voted to fight inflation, slash Pennsylvanian’s kitchen table costs, create good-paying jobs, and deliver the largest climate investment in our nation’s history,” said Rep. Scanlon. “The Inflation Reduction Act is a historic victory for Pennsylvania families and for our planet: delivering the investments we need to keep down health care costs, reinvigorate American manufacturing, and drive our transition to a clean energy economy. Importantly, the bill is fully paid for by ensuring that corporations can’t dodge their taxes – while ensuring that not one middle-class Pennsylvanian or small business pays a cent more in taxes. This legislation is a monumental step forward in House Democrats’ fight to build a fairer, cleaner economy, as we remain committed to putting People Over Politics: lowering costs, creating better-paying jobs, and building safer communities for all.”

This legislation will bring down costs for working Pennsylvanians while building a cleaner economic future across the country, taking action to:

  • Lower prescription drug prices: empowering Medicare to negotiate the price of prescription drugs, preventing excessive price hikes, and capping seniors’ out-of-pocket drug costs at $2,000.

  • Lower health care costs: reducing Pennsylvanians' premium costs by extending ACA subsidies for three more years, locking in average annual savings of $800 per person.

  • Lower energy costs: saving Pennsylvania families an average of $1000 per year on their energy bills.

  • Lower the deficit and help fight inflation: making a historic down payment on deficit reduction of approximately $300 billion. 

  • Deliver America’s largest-ever climate investment: supporting domestic energy production, creating nine million good-paying union jobs, and reducing carbon pollution by roughly 40 percent this decade.


The Inflation Reduction Act also honors Democrats’ promise: no new taxes on families making $400,000 or less and no new taxes on small businesses. This legislation is fully paid for by ensuring that large corporations and the ultra-wealthy pay their fair share:

  • Strengthening IRS enforcement against wealthy tax cheats.

  • Closing tax loopholes exploited by the wealthiest few.

  • Implementing a 15 percent corporate minimum tax on billion-dollar companies and a 1 percent tax on corporate stock buybacks.


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