Congresswoman Scanlon Votes to Prevent a Republican-led Default on Our Debt
May 31, 2023
Washington D.C. – Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon released the following statement following the House’s passage of H.R. 3746 – the Bipartisan Budget Agreement: “The Bipartisan Budget Agreement prevents the worst possible crisis – a devastating default on our debt – while rejecting Republicans’ extreme demands to cut critical lifelines for everyday Americans. “I want to be clear about how we got here: extreme Republicans took the country hostage instead of doing their constitutional duty and raising the debt ceiling to pay the bills that Congress has already approved. They brought the country to the brink of default under the guise of cutting spending and reducing the deficit. This deal makes it completely clear that it was never about debt and deficit for Republicans. While imperfect, the Bipartisan Budget Agreement prevents economic catastrophe. It protects vital services like education, health care, veterans’ benefits, and housing, rejecting extreme MAGA Republican proposals to cut domestic funding by 22 percent. “House Democrats are moving forward united in our commitment to finding real solutions to the issues facing Americans – not holding our economy hostage to score political points or jeopardizing the lives and livelihoods of our neighbors.” ### |