Scanlon Joins 116 Colleagues in Calling Out Speaker Johnson’s “Thoughts and Prayers Without Action” Rhetoric
November 2, 2023
Washington, D.C. — Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon (PA-05) today joined House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force Chair Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-04) and 116 members of Congress in calling out Speaker Johnson for his fatalistic view of gun violence and the Republican leadership’s tired ‘thoughts and prayers without action’ response to the gun violence crisis. “Families of every faith in America have empty chairs around the dinner table because Republicans have failed to answer our constituents’ prayers for action,” the members wrote. “In response to the gun violence crisis, you have called for more thoughts and prayers without a commitment to taking any action to address the bloodshed.” The members continued, “As Democrats, we are not asking for personal sacrifice, but simply that Republican leadership work with us to enact common sense laws that will save lives. We stand ready to work with you on any policies that will help end gun violence.” The full letter can be found here. ### |